“Of Victory and Failure” A Palm Sunday Re-Imagining Sunday Service
Rev. Jordinn Nelson Long, with Ed Rooney, Luana Jøsvold, and Gary Johnson
Have you marched this year? Got a great protest sign, or inspired to make one (maybe for the March for Our Lives in Boston tomorrow)? This Sunday, you are invited to bring your witness and your signs with you to church. What would the world we dream of look like?
Drums. Palms. Healing. Hope. Join us as we declare the coming of God’s world, even in the midst of Caesar’s week.
(Messages declaring support for a vision or a people are welcome. Messages supporting or decrying any particular politician should stay home.)
All ages service Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. Nursery care provided in Harrop Center beginning at 10:15 a.m.