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NO Worship This Sunday; Join us for a Gathering at 11:15 a.m. at Fort Phoenix!

THIS SUNDAY, June 13: 

Gather with us at Fort Phoenix at 11:15 a.m. 

Bring a picnic lunch and something to sit on

NO worship this week

Read on for information about the gathering as well as a 

self-timed scavenger hunt


At 11:15 a.m., please join us at Fort Phoenix in Fairhaven. 


Bring a picnic lunch and a blanket or chair to sit on. The church 

will provide watermelon, beverages and popsicles as we close out 

this year together.

There is no programming scheduled– this is not a worship service.

We are skipping right to what people identified as their favorite part of our usual

June time together: the picnic. We can’t wait to see you!

 As we gather, please keep in mind that greater New Bedford has yet to make it back to

“green” on Covid status. Plan to keep a mask with you, remember that our youngest friends

are not yet eligible to be vaccinated, and be aware of your own and others’ personal comfort in spacing.



If you’d like something to do during our usual worship time, may we suggest a self-timed scavenger hunt? On Sunday morning, we’ll send out ten clues as our usual

worship e-mail (email by Saturday night if you aren’t

already on our mailing list)

(Reminder: there is no worship scheduled for June 13th.) 

Follow the clues, look for a special sign that you’re on the right track, and take a photo of each thing that you find.  We’ll post answers and best pictures on Slack in the coming week.  The scavenger hunt starts on the UUSF campus and ends at Fort Phoenix, but you may participate in either direction. 

(Accessibility: If you’d like to participate via Zoom instead, message Ashley Lessa on Slack or email by Saturday evening and we’ll connect you with someone who will be participating in the morning and can “bring you along” virtually!) 



Phone 508 992 7081


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102 Green Street

Fairhaven, MA 02719

Tues-Thurs 9:30-2
Fri 9:30-4
Sunday Service @ 10 a.m.

Additional hours by appointment

LGBTQ Welcoming Congregation


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