What To Expect On Sundays
The best way to know who we are is to visit our services! Our services are held at 10:00 on Sunday mornings late August through mid-June in our beautiful Sanctuary (once per month during the winter we hold worship in our Parish House by the fire!)
We have two hymns, an anthem by our wonderful choir (which is always welcoming new members), fabulous organ/piano music by our Music Director, Dwight Thomas, a prayer and meditation time, candles of joy and concern by those who feel moved by something in their lives they want to share, a reading from an inspirational text, (which is sometimes scripture from a world religion), and a sermon/homily.
Our children join us in the sanctuary for service, but nursery care is usually available if desired for our littlest ones, age 6 and younger. Older kids will generally remain in the service and enjoy hands-on “Makerspace” activities that they can do in their seats with their families/other kids in our Sanctuary.
We hold an informal coffee hour immediately after the service. This is a great time to meet new people, discuss the sermon topic, and enjoy some social time. We all enjoy meeting new visitors at this time, and learning about you as well as answering any questions you have about our religion and our community.
This year, we will also have bimonthly “Second Hour Faith Formation”activities for kids and adults! These activities run from 11:15-12:15 after coffee hour. Our upcoming offerings will be posted in “What’s Happening”every month!
We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
Click the flame to join virtually via Zoom!
The Parish House & Sanctuary are accessible.
Assistive Listening Devices
Large Print Hymnals