Upcoming Services

We’re Re-Imagining Sunday!

Starting this month, UU Society of Fairhaven is embarking on a multigenerational adventure–Reimagining Sundays!  One Sunday per month, we’ll “do church” differently, exploring that month’s theme in a variety of hands-on ways.  In different spaces in our buildings and grounds, and through deeper ways of touching our communities, we’ll share fun and laughter, and take a new look at what matters as we build days and lives of connection and meaning.

September’s theme is Beauty, and this Sunday September 24th, we will set out to discover it in surprising places–and to share what we find.  Kids and adults meet in the sanctuary at 10:30 sharp, and wear comfortable shoes or bring your best travelin’ wheels.  You’ll be guided outside on a self-paced scavenger hunt for the lovely and unexpected, or you may remain with Rev. Jordinn inside our gorgeous building, where we’ll look more deeply at the beauty that surrounds us here.  We’ll rejoin each other at the end of the hour for song and a very special invitation.  

We can’t wait.  See you soon . . .  and get ready to Re-Imagine Sundays.  


(Questions?  Reach out to Rev. Jordinn at minister@uufairhaven.org)